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Top 6 JavaScript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks to use

JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic web programming language that supports both CSS and HTML updates and modifications. It is written in ECMAScript and is used to manipulate, validate, and control data. JavaScript frameworks are essentially tools that make working with JavaScript easier. They give developers with pre-built templates that enable developers to reuse popular programming patterns. This saves developers time while developing new applications.

How to Select the Most Appropriate JavaScript Framework for Your Organization

Choosing the finest JavaScript Framework to utilize might be intimidating due to the abundance of options. However, to get you started, here are some considerations.
Compatibility with the backend: In order for your JavaScript Framework to function properly, you must utilize a backend that supports it.
Complimentary complexity: Select a framework that is adept in handling the complexities of your apps and websites. Using lightweight frameworks for complicated applications may cause a variety of issues in the long term.
Size and performance: This is directly related to the type of system you're constructing. The complexity of the application dictates the size of the framework, and vice versa. Bear in mind that balance is critical!
If your team is already aware with a certain framework, ensure that you adhere to it. Among the most frequently used are angular, react, and Vue. These frameworks can be modified to get the desired output.

The following is a ranking of the top six JavaScript frameworks to use in 2021.


React is an open-source framework developed by Facebook in 2013. It soon gained popularity among developers of e-commerce websites due to its dynamic user interface and ability to tolerate large traffic.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • It is composed of a number of interchangeable components.
  • It makes use of componentDidMount and render to speed up code execution in certain places.
  • Its rendering improves the efficiency of the application while relieving the developer of additional labor in recalculating page layout.


  • It's a relatively compact size.
  • It's simple to learn and utilize.
  • Enhances performance.


  • It must be used in conjunction with other frameworks.
  • Constantly upgraded.


Angular is a highly configurable, scalable, and open-source JavaScript framework. This framework is not recommended for beginners and requires a firm grasp of JavaScript. This platform is used by multinational corporations such as Forbes and Google.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • Cross-platform performance is excellent.
  • Provides feedback and rapid error detection.
  • Provides a more advanced version of the API.
  • Provides a variety of built-in services.


  • Has the ability to distinguish between data and view.
  • All modifications are immediately visible in the view.
  • Model and perspective are perfectly integrated.


  • For novices, the structure is more complicated.
  • Model View Controller is a skill that the developer must acquire (MVC).


Ember.js debuted on the market in 2015. This platform is used by well-known websites such as LinkedIn, Yahoo, and Netflix.
Node.js, Semantic UI, and Bootstrap are all prominent tools that interface with Ember.js.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • It is re-usable and low-maintenance.
  • Suitable for usage in big teams.
  • Has more than 1500 add-ons.
  • Offers CSS and HTML development models.
  • Has tools for debugging apps.


  • Has client-rendering services.
  • A excellent URL support.


  • Not as quick as other frameworks.
  • Complicated to learn.


Polymer is a prominent open-source JavaScript library that was created by Google developers and contributors on GitHub. Polymer enables you develop bespoke elements or HTML tags as per your requirements. Apps like Google Maps and Youtube are designed with Polymer.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • Supports emerging web standards and open-web technologies.
  • Onboarding is faster.
  • Supports DOM and shadow.
  • It’s the greatest JavaScript when it comes to progressive web apps.
  • Used for construction of reusable widgets in web applications and papers.
  • Has polyfills that allow building of re-usable and customized objects.


  • Developers can construct customized elements using HTML, CSS, and JSS.
  • Connecting to third-party libraries is simple and easy for developers building applications.
  • Polymers allow both one-way and two-way data binding.
  • Easy onboarding.


  • Low performance on mobile platforms.
  • Difficulty in handling big scale applications.


Node.js framework is a platform that developers utilize to boost back-end development. Node performs well across platforms and is open-source. It showcases JAVA’s properties like packaging, looping and threading utilizing the JavaScript Runtime environment.
The framework is typically utilized in industries like IT and healthcare.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • It’s fast when it comes to code execution because it is built on the V8 JavaScript engine of Google Chrome.
  • It does not buffer any data.
  • It is open source.
  • It is extremely scalable.
  • Follows a single thread mode.
  • Has been licensed under MIT.


  • Easy to learn.
  • Offers great performance.
  • Supports a huge and active community.
  • Offers freedom to develop apps and software.
  • Offers enhanced support for commonly used tools.


  • Is missing a robust library support system.
  • The Application Programming Interface (API) is constantly evolving.


The Vue.js framework is well-known for its ability to develop robust Single Page Applications (SPAs). It is frequently utilized in the development of cross-platform applications.

Several of its distinguishing characteristics include the following:

  • Its straightforward design makes it simple to comprehend and operate.
  • Has built-in components that aid in the creation of animations and transitions.
  • Possesses a data binding capability, which enables it to manipulate HTML attributes.
  • Has a cost-effective virtual Document Object Model (DOM).


  • It is malleable and easily manipulatable.
  • It's a relatively compact size.
  • It's simple to incorporate.


  • Scaling on a large scale is not encouraged.
  • Does not include necessary plugins.
  • Barriers of language.


It's critical to know exactly what you're searching for when it comes to finding the best JavaScript frameworks to work with. This entails considering your team's talents and the intended functionality of your app or website. JavaScript frameworks make development easier and increase developer productivity.

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